Shirts with attitude

I have been busy working on some shirts with Mad Cow (AKA Amanda) over at Real Mums. They are a hoot & perfectly sum up mums, kids & dads!!! If you are interested in buying them, they make awesome Christmas pressies then go to the Real Mums Shop.  They are selling fast so make sure you dont miss out!!

    this is just a small sample of the shirts. Cruise on over & check the rest out. Which is your favourite? Which one sums up your family the best??

Now while your there checking out the ultra cool shirts stop in to the  Walk 4 PND page & if you are able sign up for the walk the dinner or both. You still have 8 days before the walk takes place. Being on the opposite side of the country I cant attend myself but I have donated a few prizes for the cause.



sewing, business & flu

sure dont mix well!! I have been very sick for the last 3 days & hating every minute of it! The machines didnt even get turned on for 2 days!! And for anyone that knows me that is just unheard of except for christmas & boxing day!!

Anyway before I got sick I had been sewing up a storm so I will fill the rest of the page with photos & tell you all to run your virus scan dont want you getting this nasty bug I have LOL